Saturday 15 December 2012

Need some new t-shirts!

Sorry for the total lateness of this but my PC died earlier in the week. Anyway I thought I'd update you awesome people with my progress. So as the title says yeah I'm going to need some new t-shirts. To say I've grown in the past week is a bit of an understatement. I don't know what it is I'm doing but I am getting freaking buff guys! From 95 lbs to 160 lbs in just a week and a bit? That's like totally insane right?

So I've decided to totally forget about the homegym now and start using my local one. Sure it's a bit of a walk and I have to contend with my sometimes crippling social anxiety but with this new muscle I feel super confident. I mean I look like a female bodybuilder! I've packed onto my body in just a week more than most pack on in a few years and I look totally ripped. Tell you what it's hard not to let my hands wander in the shower when I catch a glimpse of my thick rock hard pecs and my rather shredded eight pack.

So I'm not even sure how big I'm going to get in a month, heck how big am I going to be by the end of the year? I don't know if it's the steroids I've been taking or it's just some freaky thing with my genetics but I'm taking to my workouts like a plant takes to water. Sweethearts I'm getting huge and you know what, lets see how far this crazy ride goes!

So on non muscle related news yep my PC died but don't worry I'm on a laptop, it's a shitty one and the screen is busted but it'll do till I get my lovely gaming PC back. Kinda annoyed though because I bought some new games and I got in to the beta for Firefall on the exact day that my pc decided. "No sorry Erika, I can't let you do that!" and killed itself. Why do computers hate me?

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Day one!

Today was the first day on my journey to hugeness and lets get this straight right now, no matter what you hear it ain't easy. Heck all the crazy drugs in the world wouldn't help if you didn't get your form perfect and your diet spot on. So after a monster breakfast I had my workout before school which turns out was the stupidest idea since George Lucas decided you know what? Lets put Shia Le Beouf in Indy 4! Luckily I've only got one more week of school before Christmas holidays so that means lots of working out without the added having to go to school and ending up falling asleep factor.

Keeping up with the diet is pretty crazy but I'm managing to eat it all. Plenty of water of course and I bought some delicious protein powder which surprisingly actually tastes like chocolate. My workout was brutal but in a good way, I guess I'm kind of a natural. I kept excellent form and managed to push myself to failure each and every time. My energy so far has been pretty awesome though soon as I leave the basement I'm like so exhausted I don't even want to go to school. Eh it doesn't matter, last week is basically smooth sailing. We mostly seemed to watch movies though A Muppets Christmas Carol is seriously ruined by some guy making fart noises next to you every time there was a brief silence. Still I love that movie. I think after Die Hard it's my favorite Christmas movie and Die Hard for me is a family tradition!

I haven't told my friends yet what I'm doing. I think some of them would be a little freaked out, I mean here's this short ass girl that's never had any interest in doing anything physical and suddenly she wants to become a bodybuilder? Yeah it sounds crazy to me too.

Monday 10 December 2012

The start of something big!

So I wasn't exactly sure how to start this. This is kind of my first blog and well there's no actual set rules for starting one off let alone one that's crazy as this. So lets just start at the beginning. So I've got everything ready for my transformation. Supplements, protein powder and all my dietary needs. I've got a hardcore workout plan I'm going to stick to and I've pretty much gotten rid of all the junk food in my house.

I've bought some new workout clothes which are pretty baggy on me right now but I'm sure I'll soon bulk up to fit them. Also bought some weight gloves, protein shakers and a new gym bag because the one I use at school is a totally scuffed up mess. Also bought a new bag for school as well and I've created a kind of secret flap to hide my daily injections in. I'm thinking if I go behind the science block there's a kind of blind spot where I can juice up between classes.

I'm going to be using my brother's weights at first. He bought them ages ago when he got into football but well some of them are still in their boxes. I think for building a strong foundation they should definitely do the job and when I've beefed up a bit I'll go to a proper gym. It doesn't help that I get a little nervous around large crowds of people so I'm hoping with a growth in size my confidence will increase. Social Anxiety is a bitch!

So it's early to bed tonight because I've got to wake up early in the morning for my first monster breakfast meal. Seriously I'm a skinny little thing and seeing the amount of food I'm going to be eating is kind of making my stomach turn. I can do this though. Heck I'll get it down me even if I have to wash it down with like a gallon of water or something.

Of course there's work as well so I'm going to have to take ready made meals with me. Not microwave crap no I mean prepare my meals put them in some Tupperware and just kind of gulp it all down on my break. Actually thinking about that I wonder how my boss is going to react when I do start putting on some mass. Heck I wonder how some of the kids in school are going to react!